Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Rapid Prototyping (3d Printing) in Architecture

Hi All,

Yesterday I showed the ARCH1101 student reps one of the new rapid prototyping (otherwise know as 3d printing) machines that we have at the FBE.

These machines have been around for a while but they have either been very expensive ($60,000 to over 1 million dollars) or very difficult to use on a daily basis (I have a do it your self one in my office ... which isn't working at the moment).

The new ones are $2,500 and the plastic material is $35-45 for 1kg (which would build quite a few models). It's plug and play, very simple to use.

Below are a couple of images showing the printer in action and my first print. I haven't removed the supporting structure at this stage, but will soon and will upload an image in another post.

Under that are a few images suggesting how it might be used in Architecture.

The final image is from a blog called: http://3dprintinginaec.blogspot.com.au/



  1. Thanks for sharing this great information which is interesting while reading.


  2. is is unbelievable now, but we see in the near future a printer, a 3d printer in the kitchen printing foods, cakes and your breakfast, and chocolate printers! and on your desktop a printer that prints small items you have ordered from the internet!

